These are curated pop-up events in museums, where audio describers and Deaf art tour leaders (with BSL interpreters) prepare descriptions of art works in AD and BSL. These are designed as inclusive access events - so for Deaf, blind and partially sighted people, and hearing and sighted English speakers.
The research aims of this event were to establish how easy or feasible it would be to engage mainstream hearing/sighted museum visitors with AD and BSL, as well as spreading awareness about sensory impairments in general and encouraging integration. Feedback suggested that there is a demand for this approach (although realistically, access provision should probably remain ring fenced as distinctive provision).
You can read accounts of the events below, and further down there are links to the PDF booklets for the Courtauld and British Museum events. These events were funded through the generosity of a Wellcome Trust Small Grant and a KCL London Challenge Fund award.